

The NACS Foundation provides funding for a number of surveys and research services to further educate NACS members and vendors and offer tools for personal career development and store and company expansion.

Funded by the NACS Foundation, the Student Watch™ study  contains vital, industry-specific research that offers new insights into the college student consumer and other campus trends.

Funded by the NACS Foundation, the Ecosystem is a deep analysis of the current learning content ecosystem and was created to better understand the forces at play and how they might shape future scenarios.
The Foundation publishes critical industry research to assist NACS members, such as The Salary & Benefits Survey and Student Watch. The Salary & Benefits Survey helps you compare your store's compensation levels and benefits packages against those of other stores within the overall industry. Student Watch offers new insights into student consumers and identifies emerging trends to assist you to run your business in an effective and efficient manner.

All research published by the NACS Foundation is conducted by OnCampus Research. OnCampus Research, the NACS custom market research division, assists vendors in penetrating the college market with a variety of quantitative and qualitative student and store research.

Volunteer with us!

To become a volunteer store site for future surveys, e-mail OnCampus Research at for more information.
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