Partner Recognition

The NACS Foundation thanks the following companies for partnering with us for our fundraising programs. 
Your support allows the NACS Foundation to continue its mission to provide research, educational 
programming, and professional development grants.

The NACS Foundation would like to recognize the generosity of the donors who are helping us impact the industry.

Mary Adler-Kozak

Anonymous Donors

Dan Bell

Debbie Bruce

Lauren Catalina

Beth Christian

Collegiate Retail Alliance

Debbie Cottrell

Sara Ellenberger

Douglas Frazier

Gilbert Garcia

Kathleen Grace

Kevin Hannegan

Michael Jastorff

Richard Kloster

Lara Konick

Cortney Kurowski

Kevin Leitner

Michael Levin

Imelda May

Middle Atlantic College Stores Inc.



Neil Varsity Line

Jeff Nelson

New Mexico College Store Association

Ohio Association of College Stores


Carrie Rose

Ed Schlichenmayer

Chad Schreier

Jaymee Skelly

Joey Tappel


Donations to the NACS Foundation support these valuable industry resources:

• Initial set of financial standards finalized 

• Campus Store Insights online dashboard is in beta-testing

NACS Foundation funding supports Student Watch 2021

The NACS Foundation underwrote CAMEX21 education

NACS Foundation grants funded 148 CAMEX21 attendees from 50 institutions

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